Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April Fool's day- Man's self created wish-day !!!!

The April fool's day is one of the most important and popular days celebrated almost all over the world, and perhaps is just next to the new year day in terms of worldwide popularity. The origins of the April fool's day is unknown, though there are many stories relating it to Spring planting season, King Charles IX and even to Canterbury tales.

Anyways, who cares about the origins, all we need is a day(if not more) where you can blatantly fool someone and not get beaten up for it. In fact the irony is, in most of the cases, people just laugh it over. How many times does that happen in everyday life, when people laugh, when they are embarrassed by others or fooled by others. Not many, unless you are too dumb to even endorse for April fool's day !!!! Plus, everyone wants to be part of it, right from Google, BMW, U2, BBC, Youtube to even Microsoft. So get your act together people.

That's why I call upon all those people out there, especially the ones who are too scared to ask out someone they like, to celebrate April fool's day as your Valentine Day. Doesn't make any sense?

Well picture this. There is this girl who you are totally crazy about. You dream about her every day. You were scared that if you approached her directly about it, it wouldn't work. So you decided to take it slow and be friends with her. Time is ticking, you are acquainted well enough now, but you still don't muster the courage to tell her about how you feel. It is getting complicated now, because you like her friendship and you do not want to jeopardize your already established friendship over some relationship, which you are not even sure will work out. You are becoming her buddy now. What do you do now, apart from killing yourself ? Well, look no further, wait for April Fool's day, my boy, because this is the day god gave you to say anything to her without getting scared and without having to pay for any consequences. Prepare the best speech you could come with, the kind, which you are going to tell her, if these were your last words to her. Meet her and blabber it out. I would say use the internet chat or SMS for it, as the seriousness or non-seriousness can be muffled. Wait for her to react, if she feels the same way about it, voila !!!!! You sure know what to do, hope you don't need my advice on it now :P. But if she doesn't feel the same way and if things start getting awkward, there is nothing to panic about, son, listen her out totally, let her use all the swear words that she can, let her embarrass you as much as she can and at the end, all you have to say is " April FOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!!!!"

.. Bingo !! You know the answer now, at least you don't have to feel bad about not telling her how you felt about her all your life. Agreed, it is a little difficult to digest, but hey! it's at least one less person to worry about anymore. Two, she's still your friend, remember you didn't want to lose her and three for those sadistic yous out there, the best part, she is going to apologize to you for going all out on ya !!! :p

You have nothing to lose in either case. Think about it. This is the basic plan, it can be changed a little and be used by other people ( both men and women) in many fields :D. You have a very sexy teacher, in your class, you know what to do- April FOOOOOLLSS !!!! ....You are pissed off with your boyfriend and want to scare the living hell out of him, you know what to do- Tell him you are pregnant on April FOOOOOOOLLLLLSS.... !!! That and many others... you get the picture don't you ......

Isn't that a master plan ? I am sure it is no biggie, I am sure most of you know it already, but it is for those who are not geniuses like you and me. I pull this one every year. I have seen both sides of the coin, there were scenarios where I have been rejected and I cried out "Muwaahhhahahahah . APRIL FOOOOOOOOOLS" and there have been scenarios where in the girl went like" OHHHH MYYYY GOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!! Let's goooooooooo homeeeeeeeeeeee NOWWW ". So you know, what I mean when I say this is God's gift to mankind !!!!!

So next year's April fools, you know what to do. Every year, I focus my radar on 4 girls, and repeat this with each one of them, my scheme is getting popular now, so 1 realizes that I am fooling around, 1 says no, 1 says yes and the other one is not sure what to do !!!!! In any case, I have nothing to lose, only everything to gain. So, why not try it and hey, it's not illegal, It is APRIL FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL's DAYYY !!!!!

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