Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MY DEATH TRAP -2 ( not again !!!)

Starring : -Akshay aka HULK aka MEEEE ( as hero )
-2 eyed Freak aka Gottu [Supp role]
Director : Satan ( ya , its truely , himself :-s )
Producer : Evil eyed ppl around me , performing BLACK MAGIK wid aim to c my death :(( [ btw , cant name any one person ] ..
Story : Satan
Script writer : My fate
Clap shoot by : My fingers
Cinematographer : My bad Memory ( which has blue print of this movie )
Choreographer : Myself ( spontaneous )
Playback singer : Myself (spontaneous )
Stunts : Myself ( no visuals , evrythng NATURAL , amazing )
Editing : Jus one take , no re-shoots , no video , no editing
Publicity n marketing : Hulk n xanga n rediff n co .


No of scenes : 1
Location : By - lanes of ABIDS
Time : 9 am
Date : 22 dec . 2005
Situation : Comin back home after an early morning class on the FATEFUL BIKE .

Scene Rollin in :

After spending lot of days doin nothn but killing time by eatin a lot , playin basketball ,
watchin movies n shows , listening to music , goin out daily , readin books , i had my first
class today , after a long long time .( does it matter , if i say my first class was 2 days back,
but i didint get up n so never went :-s ) .... So the class was fun , was excited n stuff , wanted to come back home n revise n stuff ( ya i know i m shocked too ) ..

So as usual , i was on my bike , speeding off , wid 2 music ear plugs in my ears , playin
FOO FIGHTERS - MONKEY WRENCH .. i was on 70 ,( btw if u didn't know i m a very good n careful rider , except on some off days , when i hav ear plugs in my ears ) ... SO today was one such day :-s .. i wasn really careful today n was speedin up widout any
concern n screaming alon the lyrics loud out , scarin the hell out of ppl .....

The D- time had arrived
.. the clock struck 9 ...All of a sudden water appears on the road in front of me , out of no where ( isn't this part of black magik :-? ) ...i Hav a split second to look at it .. speed reduces to 60 ...then the punk that i m , it occurs to me , LET's c what WILL HAPPEN if i jus give a Gentle BRUSH to the BRAKES wid my FINGERS .. N Lo i do it ..
The next thing i remember is , i m SLIDING ALON THE ROAD alon wid my BIKE , OBVIOUSLY NOT ON THE WHEELS , but on the SIDE BODY FRAME of the BIKE n MY KNEE ..i M still holdin on to the HANDLE .. so Sliding in Process ..2 secs over .Then all of a sudden i c SPARKS - One from the FRICTION b/w SIDE FRAME of BIKE n ROAD and the Second one from the Friction b/w MY KNEEE n the ROAD ( :-o :-o , can u blv it ) .. I m still sliding ...5 secs up .. Btw i m in the centre of the road .. I can c commuters goin on either side of the road , move past me n look at me strangely , Obviously at this new mode of transfer ..( a small sardar(sikh) boy was in fact wavin at me from behind his father's scooter :-s :-l ) .... k 8 secs up into it .. i m still sliding at a very good speed ...i started sliding almost at the start of the by- lane n now i was almost at the end of it .. still sliding .. 11 secs into it ...Come to the end of the lane .. now gotta go up-hill .. so finally it gives up ..so that was the 12 secs of Hell - roller coaster ride .. :-o

Now i m separated from my bike .. i can smell the part of trousers between my knee n
ground , which had to bare wid the sparks , it smells Like burnt .. What hell , its torn thr too ... Anyways , now ENTER Gottu ( whos has one eye beaten out from some fight 2 days back ) , hes the other character in this movie .. alon wid him many other ppl rush too .. they lift me up , ask me to sit n stuff .. i can hear 2 woman tok , " O ! what a poor guy , god saved him " , i m like thinking " Ya satan set up me " ..then 2 small boys come running n say "Autograph , Autograph !! plzzz plzzz .. MAst Acting Karela Baap , Camera camera kidar hai ??? " ( Please give me an autogrpah, sir, you are a great actor !!) .. i m saying this to myself " Ya i wish , ASHL " .. now Gottu , comes out n bashes these 2 guys sayin sumthng like this " Aye ya Shaane !! ** ** ** ***** ** .. nikal saalee ** " ( Common, u freak, get outta here !!!) .. Sumthng like that ..
all ppl go away now .. Gottu takes care of my bike ... n then helps me get up .. take me to a near by - HAND WATER PUMP , helps me wash the BLoddy Wounds ... n then v tok bout how his eyes got bulged out n stuff .....

So that was the Death trap - 2 (look up , for my Earlier DEATH TRAP- 1 )

As far as me , I hav Multiple SMALL WOUNDS on Both PALMS , RIGHT ELBOW , BOTH KNEES , TOES .. Thats the thng ..

I think it was black magik bcos i hav already been unwell n sick for the past 2 days , n upon that this happ today :((

So one more Lesson for me .. From now on .. No SPEEDIN up .. No jerkin when on
Water .. No Punk stuff while driving .. :-s .. Lucky to b here ..

SMASH !! Aww my Palm hurts ...

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