Saturday, February 13, 2010

February is 'THE BIGGEST' month in the USA

February is The 'Biggest' month in USA (Quite ironically:D) . Here's why,

Last week was Superbowl- Feb 7th
It's the zenith in sports commercialization in USA, with the plethora of 'SuperBowl Ads' & the millions of dollars spent on each of the ads, by the big houses & the eagerly waiting consumers !

This week is my favourite- NBA ALLSTARS - Feb 14th

It is the Zenith in sports Entertainment !! With the whole "Slam-dunk contests", etc & the drama surrounding them-Remember Nate Robinson, Dwight Howard... & can there by any better entertainement in Sports, than seeing all your favorite stars play in the same team ? (ALL-Stars)

& hey V-Day is round the corner too aint it !!! It is the zenith of everyone's life ? isnt it, no one wants to be single on this day or any for that matter & valentines day honors the biggest need of mankind-companionship !!!

Surely Feb is he biggest Month ironically though it has the least number of days ;)

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