Thursday, December 31, 2009

Whole Saga of 3 Idiots-5 Point someone could have been avoided

Indian writer Chetan Bhagat's sincere grudge against the recent Hindi movie '3 Idiots' for giving him no proper credits for the story, when 70% of film was adapted from his book ('5 point someone').

So cheap 'Raj Kumar Hirani', agreed the plot was changed a little, but Chetan Bhagat needs a mention in the story credit....( not sure about the terms of the rights), but if it is adapted, I need to see his name in the credits for 'Story'. Period. Guess the terms might have changed, but doesn't seem like it, from Chetan Bhagat's own blog

I just feel like Chetan Bhagat has been cheated & i feel cheap about it, because I love the book & it is such a shame to see things of this sort happen at such a big event!!

Also I have utmost respect for Amir Khan, but after his comments on this, I might have to rethink. He is making baseless comments on a book he hasn't even read! Get a life buddy, just because you are in the movie, doesnt mean you will support it blindly. And I am pretty sure, you know the truth yourself, so please don't make a jackass of yourself here in front of everyone. 3 idiots was good. period. Amir acted well and guess that's where he shud stop !!!

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