Monday, December 10, 2007

Calm Like a bomb, dead like a Zombie !!

A new place, a completely new lifestyle..
zombies and aliens all around...
a new me !!! a totally different me....
I am not me anymore, or do i know..?

I couldn't wait to start it out,
but when it did come finally,
it fell right on its face..

the cliché which should ever have been,
the deja vu which would never have been,
that one fear has turned into reality!!

I havta live with it now..
I can feel it get into me too..
I feel I'm one of them now,
I resisted hard, very hard, too hard,
too too hard that I couldn't try any harder...
now no more.. its into me..
deep inside me, like it were me ...

It is me is it now..
I am the one you fear now..

If only ... if only .... if only..."

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