Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Britney's hair on sale now ? What ?

(How to win yourself a lifetime supply of the best SUV's in town )- read further

Ya you heard that right and any guesses what the starting price of the clumsy tresses is ??? Nothing less than a MILLION dollars. Well, don't be too surprised if they fetch tenfold, eventually. The World is a crazy place and the fans of the dim-witted 'STAR' are even more crazier. So, next time you see an SUV, don't just dream of owning it. Instead go home, open eBay and upload a picture of an ugly looking cream colored panty and type " Britney's SMELLY PANTIES ON SALE " and there you have won yourself a lifetime supply of the latest SUV's in town . That's all it takes to be rich, A TAG SAYING 'BRITNEY'. To make your job easier, the fidgety star has stopped wearing her undies any longer . That along with wearing skimpy outfits and fishnets are all part of her, showing the world how troubled she is, after her breakup with wannabe rapper Kevin Federline in November. It tardily resulted, in her walking into a salon this Friday where she grabbed the clippers and did the job herself.

The salon owner is all set to sell the hair and 'supposedly' give a part of the money earned to charity. A search on eBay for "Britney Spears hair" reveals dozens of supposed clumps of the popstar's tresses - some of it not even the right color. Genuine or fake, its upto you to decide now, but many witty people out there are gonna see their SUV dreams come true , all thanks to the TAG BRITNEY.

So all you people out there, go get yourself each a CLUMP of Britney's hair. Relax. There is no hurry, whatsoever. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, there are millions of such clumps for sale all over the internet now.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Road trip to Pondicherry and Chennai (IIT Saarang) - The January of 2007

I have been going out of town a lot of late....started wid mumbai in dec 2005, then saw me goin on a north india tour in jan 2006, followed it up wid a trip to aurangabad and other areas later , next came another trip to mumbai in october 2006 , then the best of the lot , dec 2006 ---->>> GOAAAA , followed it up wid a trip to orissa towards the new year 2007 , and now the latest to join the bandwagon is IIT SAARANG and PONDICHERRY , around jan ending 2007 .. that's indeed quite a travel for an engineering student from hyd.. only a handful of others have traveled more than wat i did ... but then considering that i love traveling a lot, it mite seem lesss....I m really looking forward to a trip to Pune and Bangalore in coming months.... well , i m gonna tell u bout the IIT tour in here...

4 years and jus the first time i was goin to IIT SAARANG, the cultural festival of the prestigious IITM , ya indeed a thing of shame .. tryin to go there since 3 years and finally i get to go this time.. well we had lotta free time now and nothing to do and no tensions, so i guess the trip was possible... so many of my friends made it there too , well its final year for many of them too remember .. lol ...but the main grp consisted of me, nit, neha , panuati and swati .. then my frnd sunny was also comin there along wid his college mates and we spent time there too .. plus i also had Abhi and group comin tooo and here's the biggie , the whole francis gang of gooofy, priya , piyu and co. also were there.. so was like toooo many ppl to spend time wid ... and don fget the IIT MAFIA batch as we call it, friends of neha, i.e cyril, shashi, nandita and others .... plus we had our juniors and not to forget others from our college...

well it was like entire hyderabad was in chennai that one weeeek... i felt the same way when i went to MOOD-I las year ... Bottomline : Hyderabadis are Everywhere

I spent most of the time wid nit and gang though .. sunny was thr to fill in for the odd hours though .. was a great experience all together.. i wish i went to all the other 3 saarangs the las 3 years ...we got a car there.. nit had relatives ova there.. so the best part was we went everywhere in our car , can it get any betta than this... we were put up in the IIT hostels.. the new ones.. so accommodation was perfect too ..

The best part bout the trip would be the beaches ...the 5 of us had gr888 funnn on the beaches... well i cant express even a single bit of how awesome we felt , on this blog .. such was the intensity ... we totalllyy freakkedd outtt.... we tried shootin a lil of the fun in the handycam .. and ya my digi cam which was NOT WATERPROOF , took a nice bath in the water there... its condition is almost dead critical in a servicing centre in hyd now ... thr marina beach , basanth beach in chennai were absolutely amazin ....we did everythng on the beaches , right from playin crazy games, eatin like demons , sinkin one another , runnin like mad ppl, having our fortunes read by astrologers wid parrots , shooting, etc etc ... can go on and on ........ Besanth beach was so very neatttt ...

and the best part was our ROAD TRIP to PONDICHERRY in our very own car .. self drive.... remember my lon lasting dream of a ROAD TRIP .... finalllyy it came true... the drive up till there was amazinn fun... we went to pondy and had gr88 funn again on the beach - AURO BEACH ... was truly amazin... was another beach ... but i was in for total disappointment, from wat i saw of Pondy ... looks like this place is very renowed .. very much overhyped... i guess the place became like this after the deadly tsunami... mayb we went thr wid loadsa expectations ... so the disappointment... but the time we spent at AURO beach was prettyyyy goood ...

Next in line shud be the time spent in IIT campus, attending different Workshops, shows, events ... we learnt the dance forms of Salsa , tango , lambada and rivera ... was truly one thng i wud hav loved to do every year at this place ... dance workshops were so funny and full of energy .. and the best part was u did sumthgn productive and u had a chance to shake ur ....

one of the biggest pluses of this trip would be the IIT MAFIA gang .... hehehehe... the big group consistin of us all , i.e me, nit , neha , panuathi , swathi and cyril, shashi, nanditha, jaya, vinaya , savitha, rajender, ramanand, nishita, sunny, goutham, sachin ,shankar ... we all met towards the fag end of the trip , or else it wud hav beeenn much more memorable.. we had the ball of our lives... we did the craziest thngs that were eve possible and of course everything in the campus ... It was like reliving your childhood, when we played games like OUT-OUT , Dog and Bone , Lock and key to irkin ppl in trains , we did almost everythng , that normally only kids do .... hehe ....truly this is one thng i will denftly miss bout the trip...

how can one forget the way we spent the nights in the campus .. not even a single day we slept bfor 4 in the morning ... esp me ... one day , actually didn't sleeep at all.. thats hoow much we were engrossed in havin fun .. and a lovely thng was the CCD iin the campus .. it was right close to our hostel and wud be open till 3 in the morning ... so u knw, we would be there always .. thats our CENTRAL PERK .. hehehe [:d] ..

n then the icin ... or rather the stand out event ... me pushin panuathi onto the glass doors of this super big mall called MAAYAJAAL and it breakin wid loud thuds and small pieces fallin evrywhere .. and then the manager comes to us and asks us, 'madam , r u allright 'to her ....we were so scared , that when he asked us that , we all broke loose .... hahaha..

well that is the trip in short... well its wat u get to read, after the censors hav edited the censored stuff... hehehhee... sorry everything is not for public display ... well i miss IIT already and of course miss the IIT maafia ...the road trip was mind blowin tooo ...

cheers and SMASH !!!