Monday, August 14, 2006



ants ants and ants everywhere ... na this BLOG has nothn to do with the Movie BUG's LIFE or the latest movie bout BUGS

i will come bak to that . but before that .. HEre's some news .... I got PLACED .. [:D].. well , m not feeelin even a Tenth , as HAppy and excited, as i was on the night i got Selected for this MNC callled COGNIZANT (CTS) .

check that up .. Well , it was the first company that came to our college , for CAMPUS placements this season , and i so wanted to get in , more so BCs it was the FIRST company .. i basically didnt want to be REJECTED by any company, and thankfully i got placed .. lol.. [:D].. but now , i m WAY over IT .. lookin to other stuff now . My Main aim ANd target of GRE and MS , needs to take over for now .

Thats the NEWS for u . Now comin bak to the MAJORS( lol) .. ANTSS..

Ya , so my mom is out of town .. She went to this religious place . ok ok point is , i hav been given the responsibilty of handlin the family in her absence .. lol ..and how foolish of me, i was thinkin bout FREEDOM for a week . ( did sumone say , INDEPENDENCE day was round the corner ) ..

well , anyways u knw me .. lol.. so acceptin the responsibilty, wat did i do ?? well i did Nothng . The ANTS did everthing .. lol.. yaa... Everythng in my house has ANTS on them .. EVrythgn .. Lets start out wid the kitchen .. the stove , the owen , the juice maker , the utensils , the spices, the milk can , the honey bottle, the pickles bottle (:S) , everythng..... the table ... the sink .. the wallllssss.... the CHOCLATESS [:((].......i do a tough job of sprayin the entire kitchen and everythng in there, wid the ANT POSION or w/e .. was tough .. i heard the ANT NEWS CHANNEL, sayin i killed a whoopin 3456234 Ants in that session .. lol

Next i come and sit in front of my comp( aint i doin that all the time ) .. i m chattin wid lotsa concentration on orkut .. sumthng bites me on my neck .. i smash it , thinkin it be a mousquito ..10 mins ..sumthng bites me on my arm .. SMASH .. next , arm .. SMASH .. next , thigh , SMASH ..... next my face . i m fed up .. for the first time i actually think of it and stop ORKUTTIN , and find a RED FUCKINNN ANTTTTTT .. i m like WTFFFF.. Spring out from my COSY CHAIR , throwin the keyboard down , takin down the CHOCLATE MILK [:((], wid it .. i inspect my COSYY chair , n find a line of RED FUCKIN ANTTSS on my chait.. HAd enuff of that shyttt now .. WHich crazy ants wud wan to get on my chair of all the thngs in the world.. looks like they takin revenge of my earlier massacre.. damnn !! ok had another WAR Session wid dem ..

Next time to go out .. i wear my sneakers ..15 mins later i feel sumthng bitin me everywhere i knw , inlcudin my , u knw wat .. ya thats fuckinn badd.. they crossin every fuckin LINEEE .. i hav another war session .. this time wid me bathin in ANT POISON

now time for sleeep... ANTS r outta my head .. i m readin a boook .. Nothng HAppens . i m surprised .. then i put on the radioo.. listen to some coool tracks..times tickin .. still nothng happens ... times tickin .. nothng happens... all of a sudden , i see that i m covered wid ANTSSS.... red fuckin ANTSSS.. EVERYWHEREEEE... damnnn and STRTLED , i WAKEE UP !! .. fuck , that was like a nightmare ..Like ?? .. It hell was thankfully , a NIGHTMARE that was the day ( nd night) of ANTS and ALL ANTS ..

well , MOM really miss u ... plzzz come backk ...[:(].. These ANTS r killin me .. looks like they decided to don my mom's role.... u r Way betta at that , than these ANTS .. at least u dont hurt me Physically.. lol.. come bakk .. don wan this freedom sumthng to these antss..loll

So i had to make a resolution eh , bcs of these ants , freedom, etc .. .. well today is INDEPENDECE DAY TOO time for some resolution .. well , this is the resol.. wait !! WTFFFFF.. ANTSS AAGIN... bull SHYTTTTT... i m in MY COSY CHAIR , typin.. and AGAINNN ANTSSSS.. fuckk i havta go FIGHT THEM... later.. aghhh ouccchhhhhhh... my arseeee .. aaaaaghhh .. AND THE STORY CONTINUES..... OUCHHHHH