Saturday, September 03, 2005

Battle of the hotties - Can it get any more hotter than this ?

The Battle of hotties is here today and IT CAN'T GET ANY HOTTER THAN THIS !!!!

I am not sure , you relaize what I am talking about, so lemme make it easier for ya. I m tokin bout the HOTTEST MATCH OF THE MILLENIUM - SM vs MS !!!!! whoa !!!!! well u muddheads , i m tokin bout SANIA MIRZA vs MARIA SHARAPOVA !!!! ......Hottt aint it ??/??

I luv both of them ...I am in a BIG FIX , who to cheer ?? can i be in a more perplexed situation than this ?? One is a cute , arrogant , hot , bitchy , loadsa attitude 18 year damsel n the other is cute , innocent , even more cuter n hotter , excellent game , tall 19 year babe !!!! Well , i hope u can understand my problem here !!!

The dream thng wud be the DOUBLES PAIRING OF SM n MS ...awwww!!!

Sania Mirza , the hyderabadi had a very week body , i meanshe gets injured a lot , but when she is fit she gives in her 100% and is a very aggressive player .. she has proved a lot of times before that she can defeat the best in the world ..she intimidates her opponents .. well comin to her negative aspects , she performs lotsa faults n unforced error n is not an agile runner ...Well a recent report said that shes the fastes mover in the WTA RATINGS , movin 234 places in last 12 months .. thats awesome for a record ...

well for Maria Sharapova , she has everythng good .. shes good in everythng ... flawless player .. a princess ... she doesn get carried away wid the laurels she has achieved so far for her multifalorous activities ...Shes born to win ...shes the no. 1 player n i wan her to win the title too ....

so i guess the Ultimate Hot Showdown is bout to take place today , in the Aurtut Ashe court today , n the ppl watchin it wud be the most luckiest ones ...Whoa!!! i m keenly lookin forward to it ...Gooo SM go .. GO MS go .....

Man it is definitely 'racing' to just think about them, guess it will get reallll hottt during the match........ you know i gotta go n do stuff now ;) ... later