where is 'the one' i seek...
Where is 'the one', i ask ...
where is 'the one' I am passionate about ?
passsion , zeal is what I want , I rant...
he asks, wats the thing with passion...
its all to do with the passion.... I say ..
the fire to achieve sumthing...
the fervor to learn anything..
she is 'the one' i am passionate about...
i don't get it, he says...
the excitement in doing small things...
the freedom in dreaming bigger things...
the nonchalance about who she is …
get it yet , dumbo? Nah !! , he wails…
the courage to think different …
the voice to make the crowd stare in awe…
no nonsense is the way she goes…
talk some English!! , he screams…
the motivation to stop me from being the fool I am …
the optimism to call shyt a fertilizer ..
the zeal to be just what she is…
and yet she is simple and on cloud 0..
that’s my gal , dood !!
I want to find her … This wait is too painful…
I want to fall in love with her… this anguish is too deep…
I want to snuggle into her…this heart is too fragile…
I want to bitch to her…this world is too bad and scary…
I hate and I fear finding place in the wrong arms yet again…
Eureka!! I understand he says …
Wake up, dream’s over boy!! He smirks…
Your alarm’s been barking for an hour, shouts he…
the clock says 15 mins past my class time…
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